Sunday, November 27, 2011

Laces, and laces, and laces oh my!

Yes..LACES! Vintage! ..all Yummies!

MJ and I got to this place called the barn..well its not really called that but Mj's mom always called it that soooo... we just call it that too. NOW this stuff is getting harder and harder to find...and at the barn...
 it is pretty reasonable.
Soon we will be showing what we make with all these pretties!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

We need sticks!

MJ and I need sticks. For lots of projects...but silly us we don't want to pay money for sticks. Here in the city in Arizona, we dont have yards with the twigs and sticks that we need to CREATE with. And lets face it..twigs are expensive at the stores..and I don't even know if they are real hehe.
We recently took a girls trip to Pine, Arizona and went out on a little hike to collect sticks.
Here we half out of breathe ..
ok..I will admit..MJ's pile is way bigger than mine..but in fairness I was busy chit chatting and watching my step LOL...but it was a fun trip! And now we have all these sticks to CREATE with!